Donate Now: Save the Whales’ Food SourceĀ 

Support our research to protect whales and their food source from the harmful impacts of airgun blasting

Baleen whales are the largest animals on earth and feed on some of the smallest critters in the ocean, known as zooplankton. The toxic oil and gas industry continues to put zooplankton, baleen whales, and other marine life at risk with seismic airgun blasting to search for hydrocarbons beneath the sea floor. Seismic airgun surveys fire a series of relentless blasts every few seconds for weeks to months on end, which can be heard hundreds to thousands of miles away from the source.

High concentrations of dead zooplankton have been found in the wake of seismic airgun surveys, however there is not currently enough evidence available to influence policymakers. Your donation will go directly to groundbreaking research that will help us understand the magnitude of harmful effects these blasts have on the smallest and largest animals in the ocean. Learn more about our research project here.

*All donations are tax deductible under The Ocean Foundation Fiscal Sponsorship under #710863908