Test your memory and your senses! Match a sound on the left with the image of its source. TAP/CLICK to play the sound then TAP the image to see if they're a match.
Who am I?
Navy Sonar (MF Sonar 53-C)
AUDIO: Ana Širović, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Who am I?
AUDIO: David Mann
Who am I?
Who am I?
Plainfin Midshipmen
AUDIO: Margret Marcheterre and Andrew Bass
Who am I?
Seismic Airguns
Who am I?
Gray Whale
AUDIO: Mark Fisher, AguasonicAcoustics.com
Who am I?
Herring FaRTS
AUDIO: Rodney Roundtree, FishEcology.org
Who am I?
Barred Grunt
AUDIO: M.P. and W.H. Mowbray
Who am I?
Motor boats
Who am I?
Minke Whale
AUDIO: Jason Gedamke
Who am I?
Pile Driving
AUDIO: Gianni Pavan, CIBRA, Università di Pavia
Who am I?
Bearded Seal
AUDIO: Christopher W. Clark. Cornell Laboratory of Ornitology, 1991
Who am I?
Communication Sonar (AFSK)
Who am I?
Creaking Ice
AUDIO: Mark McDonald, WhaleAcoustics.com
Who am I?
Gray Whale
PHOTO: Joe McKenna, jpmckenna - Antarctica Bound @ Flickr