2024 NOAA Fisheries “Acoustical Guidelines” review.

2020, Proposed revisions to critical habitat designations under the Endangered Species Act.

2002, Fish, Mollusks and other Sea Animals’ use of Sound, and the Impact of Anthropogenic Noise

2019 Comments on the Advance Notice of policy Review

2017, Critiques of five “Incidental Harassment Authorization” applications to NOAA Fisheries

2014, letter in response to BOEM Science Notes article “The Science Behind the Decision”

Draft Proposed OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2017-2022

2014, letter on Draft Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals

2015, NOAA-NMFS-2013-0177 Acoustical Guidelines – OCR comments

2015, Notice of Receipt of Applications for Incidental Harassment Authorization (“IHA”) for Geophysical Surveys

2015, Request for Reconsideration of Determinations on Oceana, Inc.’s, and Ocean Conservation Research’s Complaint of Violations

2014, Oppose HR 4899

2014, Comments on the Final PEIS for Atlantic G&G Activities

2012, PG&E/Lamont Doherty California Central Coast seismic imaging project

2010-2015 Oil and Gas Leasing in the Outer Continental Shelf Noise pollution impacts of seafloor processing noise

2007, Fed. Register V.72 #130, 50 CFR pt. 216 ID # 062206A

2016-The importance of incorporating signal characteristics in the evaluation of noise exposure impacts on marine life

Is the ocean really getting louder? By Michael Stocker, Tom Reuterdahl, and David Goldstein

Airgun Impacts with Citations

2006, Examination and evaluation of the effects of fast rise-time signals on aquatic animals

2005, Mitigation of Common Ocean Noise Sources: Incidental Noises Chart

2005, Ocean Noise Pollution: Quieter Alternatives to Common Sources

2000, Beneath the Silent Sea

2013, FR Doc. 2013–00847 Gulf of Alaska Supplemental EIS/OEIS

Agenda Item F9a, Consistency Determination CD 008-13, US Navy – California portion of Hawaii Southern California Training and Testing Program (HSTT)

2012, Combined comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement for:
Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing (HSTT)
Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (AFTT)

2010, 5090 Ser. N01CE1/1333 Comments on the Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement

2010, US Navy request for a Letter of Authorization for the incidental harassment of marine mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area

2001, How Loud is the Navy Noise?

2000, Navy Role in Whale Deaths?

2012, Comments on the Draft PEIS for Atlantic G&G Activities

2010, Deepwater fossil fuel extraction and production technologies – a developing source of ocean noise pollution by, Michael Stocker

2013, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic Ocean – Supplemental Draft EIS

2012, Letter to National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and NOAA, re: DEIS – Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic

2012, National Marine Fisheries Service’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic Ocean, 76 Fed. Reg. 82,275 (Dec. 30, 2011)

2012, Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Seismic Survey in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Alaska, 77 Fed. Reg. 49,921 (August 17, 2012)

Ocean bioacoustics, Human Generated Noise and Ocean Policy by Michael Stocker, Science Advisor, Seaflow

Military and Industrial drive to weaken the Marine Mammal Protection Act by Michael Stocker, Science Advisor for Seaflow

Ocean bioacoustics, Human Generated Noise and Ocean Policy by Michael Stocker, Science Advisor, Seaflow

2015, Request for Reconsideration of Determinations on Oceana, Inc.’s, and Ocean Conservation Research’s Complaint of Violations of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Policy on the Integrity of Scientific and Scholarly Activities


Outcome of DE 57 Note by the Secretariat

2011, APPENDIX: Public Comments on Draft Strategic Action Plan Outlines

2007, Ocean Bioacoustics, Human-Generated Noise and Ocean Policy by Michael Stocker, Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy

Ocean Conservation Research: Offshore Oil & Gas development Brochure

Arctic Issues  top 

2013, FR Doc.–00847 Gulf of Alaska Supplemental EIS/OEIS, Letter to GOA SEIS/OEIS Project Manager, by Michael Stocker

2012, A New Framework for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals in a Rapidly Changing Arctic by Sue E. Moore, Randall R. ReeveS, Brandon L. Southall, Timothy J. Ragen, Robert S. Suydam, and Christopher W. Clark

2010, 5090 Ser. N01CE1/1333 Comments on the Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement.

2010, US Navy request for a Letter of Authorization for the incidental harassment of marine mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area

2013, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic Ocean – Supplemental Draft EIS

Fossil Fuel Exploration and Extraction in the Arctic – Slideshow Presentation

2012, Scientists’ letter to the president, Arctic oil & gas development

2012, Print Ad, “After this you said things would Change”, OurArcticOcean.org

2012, Print Ad, “More that 500 scientists say base Arctic Ocean Drilling Decisions on Science Not Politics”, PEW

2012, Letter to Secretary Salazar on proposed 2012-2017 Outer Continental Shelf and Gas Leasing Program for the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans

2012, group Letter to BOEM

2012-2017 OCS leasing program draft PEIS comments Attachment A Effective Oversight Requires Key Legislative, Regulatory, Enforcement and Transparency Upgrades  by The Wilderness Society

2012, Letter to National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and NOAA, re: DEIS – Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic

2012, National Marine Fisheries Service’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic Ocean, 76 Fed. Reg. 82,275 (Dec. 30, 2011)

2012, 5-Year Program Draft PEIS, Audubon Society

2012, Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Seismic Survey in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Alaska, 77 Fed. Reg. 49,921 (August 17, 2012)

2008, Seafood industry worries about offshore oil leases in Alaska, by Laine Welch, Alaska Journal of Commerce

Concept art for an ocean soundscape exhibit on Pier 7

Energy Exploration & Production  top 

Navy Activities top 

2007,  Sonar does affect whales, military report confirms by Daniel Cressey

2007,  Navy exercises threaten Southern California coast

2007, LFAS Ruling Response

2013, HSTT CCC Consistency Determination OCR Comments w/DEIS Review

2006, Partial list of cetacean strandings associated with military-generated ocean noise

Marine Protection top 

Letters top 

2019, Comments on the Advance Notice of policy Review

2017, Draft Proposed OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2017-2022

2014, letter in response to BOEM Science Notes article “The Science Behind the Decision”

2014, letter on Draft Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals

2016, Letter on LLOG S-7666 Supplemental Exploration Plan

2003, ECOUS Follow-up letter

2015, Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing, 80 Fed. Reg. 45,642 (July 31, 2015).

2015, Notice of Receipt of Applications for Incidental Harassment Authorization (“IHA”) for Geophysical Surveys in the Atlantic Ocean, 80 Fed. Reg. 45,195 (July 29, 2015) – OCR comments

2015, Request for Reconsideration of Determinations on Oceana, Inc.’s, and Ocean Conservation Research’s Complaint of Violations of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Policy on the Integrity of Scientific and Scholarly Activities – OCR comments

2015, Notice of Receipt of Applications for Incidental Harassment Authorization (“IHA”) for Geophysical Surveys in the Atlantic Ocean, 80 Fed. Reg. 45,195 (July 29, 2015) – OCR comments

2014, Oppose HR 4899:

2014, Comments on the Final PEIS for Atlantic G&G Activities

2012, PG&E/Lamont Doherty California Central Coast seismic imaging project

2014, Comments on the Final PEIS for Atlantic G&G Activities

2009, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders from Mrs. Honda’s class write a letter to Secretary Salazar

2007, Fed. Register V.72 #130, 50 CFR pt. 216 ID # 062206A

2003, NCIS “Navy Criminal Investigation Service” program

2003, NCIS “Navy Criminal Investigation Service” program

2006, Marine Sanctuaries Joint Management Plan Review, SeaFlow

2006, National Marine Sanctuaries JMPR and Ocean Noise Pollution December, Comments and Notes from Seaflow

FR Doc. 2013–00847 Gulf of Alaska Supplemental EIS/OEIS

2006, National Marine Sanctuaries JMPR and Ocean Noise Pollution December, Comments and Notes from Seaflow

2010, 5090 Ser. N01CE1/1333 Comments on the Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement

2006, National Marine Sanctuaries JMPR and Ocean Noise Pollution December, Comments and Notes from Seaflow

2008, LTE of SF Chronicle, re: “Baffling Death of another Gray Whale”

2006, Comments on the Draft Overseas Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Statement for the Undersea Warfare Training Range (70 Federal Register 62101- 62103), SeaFlow

2006, RIMPAC IHA, Federal Register I.D. 011806L

2006, Comments on the Draft Overseas Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Statement for the Undersea Warfare Training Range (70 Federal Register 62101- 62103), SeaFlow

2006, Federal Register Notice I.D. 062206A; Vol. 71, No. 188; Proposed incidental take permit for the expansions of Low Frequency Active Sonar

2005, NMFS Report on the USS Shoup Haro Strait/Orca incident, SeaFlow Response

2006, Comments on the Draft Overseas Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Statement for the Undersea Warfare Training Range (70 Federal Register 62101-62103), Seaflow

2000, Navy Role in Whale Deaths?

1999, U.S. Navy LFAS/SURTASS programs, letter to senators, Representative Woolsey

1999, Letter to the Editor, Marin Independent Journal

2012, Comments on the Draft PEIS for Atlantic G&G Activities

2012, Scientists’ letter to the president, Arctic oil & gas development

Research top 

Published Articles & Letters top 

2008, Noisy oceans ‘threaten sea life’: Increasing noise pollution in the world’s oceans is threatening the survival of whales and dolphins, a UN-backed conference has heard.

2011, Rumbling in the benthos: acoustic ecology of the California mantis shrimp Hemisquilla californiensis

2009, The Neutrino and the Whale

2009, Cooperation between non-kin in animal societies

2008, Acidifying oceans are brewing up an underwater din, NewScientist.com

2004, Ocean noise could injure more than mammals, Nature

2007, Sonar does affect whales, military report confirms by Daniel Cressey

2008, Justices Take Case on Navy Use of Sonar by Linda Greenhouse

2007, The U.S. Navy Bears Down on Whales – and the Scientists who Study Them

List of NC Articles

2008, Seafood industry worries about offshore oil leases in Alaska, by Laine Welch, Alaska Journal of Commerce

Technology & Specifications top 

2010, Specifications for a multi-purpose transmitter for medium and large species

2011, Anti-Submarine Warfare with Continuously Active Sonar

2011, Environmentally Neutral Biomimetic Waveforms for ASW Sonar

2011, Article on new seismic vessels from Polarcus

2009, NASNet, The underwater navigation, positioning and data communication system

2006, Effects of sound and vibration on cockles

2010, Deepwater fossil fuel extraction and production technologies – a developing source of ocean noise pollution by, Michael Stocker

2010, Deepwater fossil fuel extraction and production technologies – a developing source of ocean noise pollution by, Michael Stocker (Lay language version)

Brochures top 

Diagrams top