LATIN NAME Cynoscion squamipinnis
LENGTH 65 cm max. (25.5in)
WEIGHT 3 kg max. (~6lbs)
LIFETIME 2 to 3 years
PHYSICAL TRAITS Color is generally silvery or greyish on the upper back. The tip of the lower jaw is dusky and the inside of the mouth is yellow orange. The pectoral axil is dark, the dorsal and anal fins are dusky and the tip of the tail fin is blackish. The head is conical and the mouth is strongly oblique. The jaw is very prominent, with the front of the top jaw containing one pair of large pointed canines. There are no pores or barbels on the chin.
BEHAVIOR Aggregates in large groups for breeding purposes. The chorusing is part of this behavior. Gamete dispersal breeding.
HABITAT Benthopelagic to 30m
LOCATIONS Coastal Pacific – from Baja California to Peru
FOOD Forage fish, shrimp, other crustaceans.
PREDATORS Larger Predatory Fish